21-day Gut Reboot Challenge

3 small habits and a sample diet for sustainable weight loss and the elimination of bloating in our 21-day challenge!👩🏻‍🍳👇

The price includes only the eBook, not the FiberShake.

At activé, we believe that lasting results can only be built on a stable foundation.

What we do not believe in are various crash diets, detox programs, and fat-burning pills that you buy over and over again because they do not offer a lasting solution.

If you base your lifestyle change solely on calorie restriction, you are only treating the symptom, not addressing the underlying causes of weight gain and digestive problems.

 Get the basics right!

Restart your weight loss, but this time on a stable foundation!

This is how it becomes long-term and effective. What the activé Gut Flora Restoration Challenge eBook includes


In the first chapter, we explain why your weight loss success depends on more than just your genetics and calorie counting.


21-Day Challenge – 3 simple rules that, if followed for 21 days, can be integrated into your daily routine to support your gut flora.
Sample Diet - An easy-to-follow 7-day basic sample diet with recipe ideas.
Fiber Storage – Nearly 90 basic ingredients and their fiber content all in one place.
Shopping List – A starter shopping list for gut flora regeneration.


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